Client Conversations #4: Connecting through Language and Intercultural Communication with Ayako Sasaki

In this edition of Client Conversations, Anthony Griffin hosts Ayako Sasaki, co-founder of Nicohachi English. In Connecting People Through English and Intercultural Understanding, Ayako provides insightful perspectives on the significant role that language and cultural understanding play in strengthening interpersonal relationships, influencing business results, and presenting effective strategies for language acquisition. 

Building Relationships Through Language Proficiency

Ayako emphasizes the critical role of English proficiency and cultural understanding in strengthening interpersonal connections, particularly in a global context. She notes, "People are more comfortable with things and people they are familiar with," underscoring the importance of a shared language in establishing a sense of familiarity and ease in interactions. This shared language, she argues, is pivotal in fostering psychological safety—a state where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of negative consequences to self-image, status, or career.

In a business setting, psychological safety is essential for effective teamwork, innovation, and problem-solving. Ayako highlights how proficiency in English, as a widely used global language, and an understanding of cultural nuances can be powerful tools in building this sense of safety and trust. When team members can communicate effectively in a common language, it reduces misunderstandings and fosters a more inclusive environment where diverse ideas and perspectives are valued and understood.

Ayako’s experiences in international business environments have shown her firsthand how language and cultural skills can swiftly build trust. She explains that when individuals show an ability to understand and respect different cultural backgrounds and communicate effectively in a common language (English), it breaks down barriers and creates a foundation of trust. This trust is crucial not only for individual relationships but also for the overall cohesion and success of multinational teams.

However, understanding cultural nuances goes beyond language proficiency. It involves being aware of and sensitive to different communication styles, social norms, values that vary from culture to culture, and business etiquettes. This awareness enables individuals to navigate cross-cultural interactions more effectively and avoid potential misunderstandings or offenses that could damage relationships, especially in a business environment.

Business Implications of Language Proficiency

The discussion delves deeply into the tangible impact of language skills on a company's bottom line. Ayako points out the often-overlooked aspect of communication in a global business context, stating, "Communication can be very expensive in terms of time, energy, and effort." She elaborates on the hidden costs associated with language barriers in multinational companies, such as the need for translators and multiple-language documentation.  These costs include the time and resources spent on the research for appropriate agencies, or the potential for miscommunication in business dealings due to language-related misunderstandings.

Ayako further explains that when employees are proficient in a common language, such as English, it dramatically streamlines business processes. This proficiency facilitates clearer and more efficient communication, leading to quicker decision-making and more effective collaboration across different departments and international offices. As a result, companies can avoid the extra expenses and inefficiencies that come with language barriers.

Moreover, Ayako highlights how English proficiency can open up new opportunities for businesses. Companies with employees who can communicate effectively in English are better positioned to enter and compete in international markets. They can engage directly with a broader range of clients and partners, negotiate deals more effectively, and access a wider pool of global resources and talent.

The impact of these advantages is significant. By reducing the costs and inefficiencies associated with language barriers, and by capitalizing on the opportunities afforded by English proficiency, companies can see a positive effect on their financial health. Investments in language training and development thus become strategic business decisions that can yield substantial returns in the long run.

In addressing the financial aspects of language training and weighing the costs and benefits of language training, Ayako suggests that the benefits of such investments frequently surpass the associated costs. She explains, "If the company is trying to extend their business abroad... it's worth investing in it because your market will be bigger." This statement highlights the direct correlation between language proficiency and market expansion capabilities for businesses.

Tips for Language Learners in Multicultural Environments

Finally, Ayako offers practical advice for individuals who are facing challenges while learning new languages or working in multicultural settings. She places significant emphasis on the balance between language input and output, stating, "Both input and output are important." This statement underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to language learning that involves not only absorbing and understanding the language (input) but also actively using it in speaking and writing (output).

Ayako also advises on the importance of practical usage and continuous learning in mastering a language. For effective language acquisition, it is crucial to regularly engage with the language in real-life contexts. This practice helps learners not only to internalize grammatical structures, vocabulary, and pronunciation but also to provide opportunities to apply the language in various situations, enhancing comprehension and communication skills.

One innovative method Ayako recommends, particularly for Japanese learners, is speaking to oneself as a means of practice. This approach allows learners to experiment with the language without the pressure or fear of judgment from others. This technique is especially valuable in Japan, where cultural norms emphasize precision and care, encouraging learners to practice privately to gain confidence before engaging with others. Speaking to oneself can be a highly effective way to practice language fluency and build confidence, as it enables learners to formulate thoughts, try out new expressions, and become more comfortable with the sound and rhythm of the language.

Additionally, Ayako explains that learning a new language often involves adapting to different facial movements and muscle coordination, which can initially be unfamiliar and challenging. Through regular self-practice, learners can train these muscles, enhancing the naturalness and fluency of their speech over time. This method not only helps in mastering the linguistic aspects but also in acclimating to the physical demands of speaking a new language.

The episode leaves listeners with a powerful message: to overcome the initial reluctance to use language in professional or social settings. Ayako emphasizes, "You need the courage to let your first word out at work." This advice resonates strongly with learners who may feel self-conscious about their language abilities or fear making errors. Ayako encourages embracing these challenges, highlighting that making mistakes is a natural and crucial part of the language learning journey. By stepping out of their comfort zones and beginning to engage in communication, even in small steps, learners are on the path to gradually enhancing their fluency and confidence, enriching their intercultural understanding and interpersonal connections.

Final Thoughts: Language is a Key to Global Connectivity

It becomes evident that language and cultural understanding are not just tools for communication, but bridges that connect us humans across diverse backgrounds, fostering greater empathy and collaboration. We are reminded that our journey in language learning and intercultural exploration is not just about professional advancement, but also about enriching our personal lives and contributing to a more connected world. We hope this post encourages you to embrace the continuous journey of learning and to seek out opportunities for growth in every interaction.


Click the image above to watch the full video interview with Ayako.

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About the Author

Oguzhan Karagözoglu is a multicultural communications consultant, content creator, and linguistic specialist who brings a unique blend of Turkish heritage and Swiss upbringing to the art of communication. Originally from Zurich, he now calls Tokyo his home. Oguzhan is deeply inspired by the diverse ways in which people connect and express themselves. His free time is often spent listening to podcasts and pursuing his passion for leisure dog training.