Content Round Up: Tokyo Cycling Routes for Beginners

Content Round Up: Tokyo Cycling Routes for Beginners

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tokyoites needed safe ways to exercise and move about the city. Many residents found the answer to this dilemma in cycling, be it for weekday commutes or weekend exercise. If you’ve recently started cycling and are looking for some scenic urban routes for beginners, this content roundup is for you.

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Japanese Copywriting Tips: Things to Consider Before Launching a Japanese Website (Guest Post)

Japanese Copywriting Tips: Things to Consider Before Launching a Japanese Website (Guest Post)

Although my services are primarily designed for small- to medium-sized Japanese companies that seek to engage global audiences, I’m often asked about what it takes to do business in the opposite direction: marketing to Japanese companies in Japanese.

To answer this question, I turned to a prominent member of my network, Takatomo Homma, who kindly agreed to write a guest blog post on this topic.

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Proud Contributor to Startup Guide Tokyo: The Entrepreneur’s Handbook

Proud Contributor to Startup Guide Tokyo: The Entrepreneur’s Handbook

November 29, 2019, marked the release of the highly anticipated Startup Guide Tokyo. Often referred to as the “Lonely Planet for aspiring entrepreneurs,” the paperback book is packed with valuable resources regarding the startup scene of the world’s third-largest economy.

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Experiencing Tokyo during the 2020 Olympic Games: An Interview with Hilton Tokyo General Manager Mike Williamson

Experiencing Tokyo during the 2020 Olympic Games: An Interview with Hilton Tokyo General Manager Mike Williamson

Ever since I started producing content related to Japan’s booming tourism industry, I have consistently encountered one question: What will Tokyo be like during the 2020 Olympic Games? So, I set out to find some answers from those who would know best.

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